#!/usr/bin/perl use DBI; undef %f; &parse_form_data( *f ); require "table.pl"; $id = $f{'id'}; $already_taken = 0; $dbh = DBI->connect( $database, $dbuser, $dbpass ); $cursor = $dbh->prepare( "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE num_id=$id" ); $cursor->execute; while ( @field = $cursor->fetchrow ) { if ( $field[$sponsoridx] == 1 ) { $already_taken = 1; last; } $sizes = ""; if ( $field[$shirtsizeidx] ne "" ) { $sizes .= "Shirt size: $field[$shirtsizeidx]
"; } if ( $field[$pantsizeidx] ne "" ) { $sizes .= "Pant size: $field[$pantsizeidx]
"; } if ( $field[$shoesizeidx] ne "" ) { $sizes .= "Shoe size: $field[$shoesizeidx]
"; } $wishes = ""; if ( $field[$wish1idx] ne "" ) { $wishes .= "1. $field[$wish1idx]
"; } if ( $field[$wish2idx] ne "" ) { $wishes .= "2. $field[$wish2idx]
"; } if ( $field[$wish3idx] ne "" ) { $wishes .= "3. $field[$wish3idx]
"; } $needs = ""; if ( $field[$need1idx] ne "" ) { $needs .= "1. $field[$need1idx]
"; } if ( $field[$need2idx] ne "" ) { $needs .= "2. $field[$need2idx]
"; } if ( $field[$need3idx] ne "" ) { $needs .= "3. $field[$need3idx]
"; } $faves = ""; if ( $field[$favecoloridx] ne "" ) { $faves .= "Color: $field[$favecoloridx]
"; } if ( $field[$favebookidx] ne "" ) { $faves .= "Book: $field[$favebookidx]
"; } if ( $field[$favesportidx] ne "" ) { $faves .= "Sport: $field[$favesportidx]
"; } if ( $field[$funidx] ne "" ) { $faves .= "For Fun: $field[$funidx]
"; } $row = qq | $field[$nameidx]
$wishes $needs $faves
|; } $cursor->finish; $dbh->disconnect; $out = qq | $row
First Name Grade Age Gender Size(s) When I Grow Up I Want to Be... Wish(es) Need(s) Favorites
|; if ( $already_taken ) { print qq |Content-type: text/html Whoops! Someone just sponsored this child. Please go back to the list of children and choose another child. Thank you. |; exit( 1 ); } print qq |Content-type: text/html $out Back to List of Children

Thank you for your interest in sponsoring a student! Please complete all fields below to complete the sponsorship process. Once you hit the "sponsor a child" button, you will receive a confirmation notification both on screen and via email and your student will no longer be available. If you have any questions, please contact Little Match Girl with any questions.

First Name
Last Name

|; sub parse_form_data { local( *FORM_DATA ) = @_; local( $request_method, $query_string, @key_value_pairs, $key_value, $key, $value ); $request_method = $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'}; if ( $request_method eq "GET" ) { $query_string = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}; } elsif ( $request_method eq "POST" ) { read( STDIN, $query_string, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'} ); } else { &return_error( 500, "Server Error", "Server uses unsupported method" ); } @key_value_pairs = split( /&/, $query_string ); foreach $key_value ( @key_value_pairs ) { ( $key, $value ) = split( /=/, $key_value ); $value =~ tr/+/ /; $value =~ s/%([\dA-Fa-f][\dA-Fa-f])/pack ("C", hex ($1))/eg; if ( defined($FORM_DATA{$key}) ) { $FORM_DATA{$key} = join( ", ", $FORM_DATA{$key}, $value ); } else { $FORM_DATA{$key} = $value; } } } sub return_error { local( $status, $keyword, $message ) = @_; print "Content-type: text/html", "\n"; print "Status: ", $status, " ", $keyword, "\n\n"; print <CGI Program - Unexpected Error


$message Please contact $webmaster for more information. End_of_Error exit( 1 ); } sub hexit { local( $string ) = @_; $string =~ s/\W/'%' . unpack( "H2", $& )/eg; return( $string ); }